Drink makes Drink name Drink type Drink strength
Tinnermans Peche ambicus? fruit beer 4%
Peach flavoured beer!?!
I had to buy it! It was wrapped in paper and therefore must be better than all the other beers which are allowed to be seen in their nude form.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGGH! Alcoholic ghost picture!! Cover it back up!
That's better.
Right then.
This stuff smells like washing up liquid but I'm sure that's just the smell. I've had Tinnermans strawberry beer on tap in Newcastle and that was fine so I'm sure this will be too.
Well at least it looks Peachy in the glass and tastes.... well... it's.... erm... Theirs a chemical taste there but mainly it tastes like peach flavoured sweets.
After a couple of mouthfuls that initial chemical smell goes away and it gets quite enjoyable. I'm not a massive fan of peaches but this is good. Very juicy... like jelly sweets can be through, not real fruit.
It's in a 33cl bottle (small but not a stubby) and I can see this is going to go fast.
That's refreshing but I could imagine if it hadn't just come out of the fridge it might be a bit funny, like licking someone Else's slightly melted, maybe even partially chewed sweet of a hot bit of pavement.
tasty rating
Good as a drink 8/10 Good as a beer 7/10
Can't put down factor 6/10 Good at getting you drunk 4/10
Bottle art 3/10
Average = 56ish out of 100% because I can't count and I don't understand percentages

Makers link
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