I've never had one... because it sounds Gross.
I went into a local chip shop and asked if they would fry one for me and they said 'Yes. but you have to freeze it first'. Apparently they turn to mush in seconds if you don't.
So I returned a few days later with a bag of frozen dream to find I had got there too early and they didn't open for another hour and a half. Feeling dejected (or a similar word with another meaning) I decided I'd leave it til the week after.

I turned up with a frozen mars bar and a cheeky grin.
The women at the chip shop took the mars bar, lightly battered it and put it in the firer (or fryer. which ever is the one you cook in).
Within seconds the the thing had started to disintegrate as the chocolate melted. What was left resembled something that had already worked its way through a persons body!
The chip shop person, I'm not sure what their job title is but I bet it's something like Frying artist or Chipress, apologised (not that I blaimed her) and said that she'd had that happen before and then added that maybe it was a special sort of batter that they use.
Well, feeling like I'd leaned something vauge about the science of frying sweets I wondered outside, sat on a wall and had a bite of my partly melted snack...
And it was horrible!
The take of partly fried caramel, bits of chocolate and, whats the white stuff at the bottom?... nougat?
... Whatever it was, it was wrong!
I going to try to fry a mars bar at home after trawling the internet of a propper batter recipie but I don't think I'll bother.
Good luck to you though if this has not put you off.
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